March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Clinical Trials

Physicians at Connecticut GI are involved in state of the art research that targets conditions of the upper and lower GI tract. Studies are conducted in our offices and at our Endoscopy Centers, and include new medications, procedures, and therapeutic devices. Our experienced research team includes gastroenterologists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, medical assistants, and research coordinators. Our goal is to provide access to research protocols so that our patients will benefit from the newest therapies.

The Connecticut Clinical Research Institute, LLC is focused on improving the quality of our patient’s health. Our mission is to provide superior cutting-edge clinical trials to make advancements in new cures. Every research study supports patient care and patient needs. Our dedicated and experienced research staff conduct clinical trials with compassion and respect for participants.

We offer our patients the opportunity to participate in clinical trials for the following:


A breakthrough endoscopy procedure can help your doctor to detect early-stage, pre-cancerous cells (also known as Barrett’s Esophagus) so they can be removed long before they can turn into esophageal cancer.

By recording the results of all of your biopsies over many years, it may be possible to find out if the brush biopsy, forceps biopsy, or both can predict which patients with heartburn develop Barrett’s esophagus, (an abnormality in the esophagus that may lead to cancer), and which patients with Barrett’s esophagus develop pre-cancer and cancer. The data from your biopsies will be used to determine the best way to diagnose esophageal disease.

To learn more about this registry study, please visit:

Please contact our office at 860-409-4567 x108 if you are interested.


  • Be currently experiencing symptoms such as frequent diarrhea or blood in stool
  • Be diagnosed with UC
  • Be 18 to 75 years of age


  • Try an oral investigational drug to see if it reduces the signs and symptoms of UC
  • Be eligible to participate in a long-term extension study


  • Be currently experiencing symptoms such as diarrhea or abdominal pain
  • Be diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease
  • Be 18 to 75 years of age


  • Try an oral investigational drug to see if it reduces the signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease
  • Be eligible to participate in a long-term extension study

For access to additional clinical trials being performed by Connecticut GI at Bristol Hospital please click here.