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Colonoscopy Patient Instructions
Follow the instruction on your preparation
Clear Liquid Diet
* *You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure* *
**Avoid all dairy products and anything RED OR PURPLE.
Clear Liquids Include:
- Soft drinks – regular or diet sodas (orange, ginger ale, cola, Sprite, 7-Up, etc). Ginger Ale may help to settle the stomach.
- Smart Water, sport or power drinks with electrolytes may be helpful. You may wish to dilute to decrease sweetness.
- Strained fruit juices without pulp (apple, white grape, iced tea) NO ORANGE JUICE
- Water, clear flavored waters or seltzer (NO red or purple!
- Black tea or coffee – NO milk or non-dairy creamer. You may have any type of sugar or sweetener.
- Fat free chicken or beef broth (prefer low sodium)
- Hard candies (Lifesavers, etc.)
- Plain Jello – NO fruits or toppings
- Popsicles, Italian Ice – NO sherbets or fruit bars
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.*
*The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
- You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
- You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure , INCLUDING water, gum and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer
The Movi Prep carton contains 4 pouches and a disposable container for mixing. There are 2 pouches labeled “A” and 2 pouches labeled “B”. You must complete the entire prep to ensure the most effective cleansing.
- Between 6 – 7 PM the evening before, empty 1 pouch “A” and 1 pouch “B” into the disposable container.
- Add lukewarm drinking water to the top line of the container. Mix to dissolve. (If preferred, you may mix the solutions ahead of time and refrigerate prior to drinking)
- The Movi Prep container is divided by 4 marks. Every 15 minutes, drink the solution down to the next mark (approximately 8 oz) until the full liter is complete.
- Drink 16 oz of the clear liquid of your choice.
- 5 hours before your scheduled procedure time, repeat the above steps.
- Diarrhea may continue for several hours after you finish drinking the solution
Suprep (Generic Versions: Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Sulfate, Sodium Sulfate)
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
In the evening:
- Between 6-7 PM the day before your procedure, take the first dose by completing steps 1-4.
- Pour ONE (1) 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container.
- Add drinking water to the 16-oz line on the container and mix.
- Drink ALL the liquid in the container.
- You must drink two (2) more 16-oz containers of water over the next 1 hour.
Five (5) hours prior to your scheduled procedure time, take the second dose of your prep by completing steps 1-4.
- Pour ONE (1) 6-ounce bottle of SUPREP liquid into the mixing container.
- Add cool drinking water to the 16-oz line on the container and mix.
- Drink ALL the liquid in the container.
- You must drink two (2) more 16-oz containers of water over the next 1 hour.
Magnesium Citrate: 2 Bottles
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
In preparation for your colonoscopy:
- Purchase (over the counter):
- Two 10 oz bottles of Magnesium Citrate.
- 1 package of Dulcolax Laxative Tablets (NOT suppositories!) – you need a total of 4 pills.
- The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
CLEAR LIQUID DIET – It is very important to drink plenty of clear liquids throughout the entire day.
At 4:00pm take four (4) Dulcolax Tablets.
In the evening at 6:00pm, drink the entire contents of the 1st bottle of the Magnesium Citrate.
Follow by drinking at least three 240 mL (8oz) glasses of water over the next 2 hours.
Five (5) hours prior to your scheduled procedure time, drink the entire contents of the 2nd bottle of the Magnesium Citrate.
Follow by drinking at least three 240 mL (8oz) glasses of water over the next 1 hour.
Nothing to drink at all after completing the 3 glasses of water.
Two-Day Procedure Prep (Magnesium Citrate)
You must be on a clear liquid diet starting after lunch, two days prior to your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING gum and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
In preparation for your colonoscopy:
- Purchase (over the counter):
- One 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate.
Eat a light breakfast and lunch before 1 pm.
Begin your clear liquid diet immediately after lunch (no more solid food until after colonoscopy).
At 6 pm, take 1 bottle of magnesium citrate.
Follow by drinking at least three 240 mL (8oz) glasses of water over the next 2 hours.
CLEAR LIQUID DIET – It is very important to drink plenty of clear liquids throughout the entire day.
Follow the attached standard split preparation instructions.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
You must follow a clear liquid diet the entire day before your procedure.
In the morning, dilute NuLYTELY with one gallon of water and chill in the refrigerator.
Between 6:00 & 7:00 PM, the day before your procedure, start drinking 8 oz. of the solution every 15 to 20 minutes until you have finished half the gallon.
If you have severe discomfort or bloating, stop drinking the solutions for a while or wait longer between drinking each glass until the discomfort goes away.
6 hours before your scheduled procedure time, start drinking the remaining half of the solution. It will take about 2 hours to finish the solution.
Diarrhea may continue for several hours after you finish drinking the solution.
Two-Day Procedure Preparation (NuLYTELY)
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick it up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet starting after lunch, two days before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours before your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a canceled procedure.
In preparation for your colonoscopy:
Purchase (from the pharmacy):
- 2 gallons of Nulytely (Golytely/PEG 3350)
- Eat a light breakfast and lunch before 1 pm
- After lunch, dilute NuLYTELY with one gallon of water and chill in the refrigerator.
- Begin your clear liquid diet immediately after lunch
- Between 6:00-7:00 pm, start drinking 8 oz. of the solution every 15 to 20 minutes until you have finished half of the gallon. Keep the remaining preparation in the refrigerator for tomorrow.
- Continue to push clear liquids the entire day to avoid dehydration and minimize hunger
- Between 6:00-7:00 pm, start drinking 8 oz. of the solution every 15 to 20 minutes until you have finished the other half of the gallon.
- Dilute the second Nulytely with another gallon of water and refrigerate
- 6 hours before your arrival time, open the second gallon and drink half of the solution in the same fashion as above (You may discard the remaining half of the second gallon).
- Continue clear liquids until 4 hours prior to your exam
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick it up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
In the morning:
- Choose one of the flavor packs and add it to the one-gallon bottle. Shake well to adequately mix the flavor pack with the powder.
- Add water to the fill line and shake well until the powder has dissolved.
- Refrigerate until ready to drink.
In the evening:
- Begin drinking the solution between 6 pm and 7 pm.
- Drink an 8-ounce glass of the solution every 10 minutes. It is recommended that you drink the whole glass rapidly rather than sip small amounts.
- Keep drinking the solution every 10 minutes until half the bottle is empty or bowel movements run clear.
- Bowel movements should begin approximately one hour after the first glass of the solution. They will continue for several hours after you finish drinking the last glass.
- Feeling of bloating, abdominal fullness, and nausea are common after the first glasses of the solution. This is temporary and should subside once bowel movements begin.
- 5 hours before your scheduled procedure time, start drinking the second half of the solution.
- Drink an 8-ounce glass of the solution every 10 minutes until the solution is gone.
- Diarrhea may continue for several hours after you finish drinking the solution.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
- You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum and hard candies.
- Miralax 238 grams – 8.3 oz. This is available over the counter.
- 64 oz. Gatorade – Lemon/Lime preferred. DO NOT BUY RED OR PURPLE.
- Patients with diabetes may substitute Pedialyte for Gatorade.
- 4 Dulcolax Laxative tablets (NOT suppositories!)
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a canceled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer
- CLEAR LIQUID DIET – It is very important to drink plenty of clear liquids throughout the entire day.
- Mix ALL of the Miralax and Gatorade mixture on the morning of the day before your procedure, and refrigerate if desired.
- 5 PM take 4 Dulcolax tablets.
- One hour later (6 PM), start drinking Gatorade (or Pedialyte) Miralax mixture – 8 oz. every 15 minutes.
- Drink only half of the solution (32 ounces)
- If you have mild discomfort or bloating, stop drinking for a while or wait longer between drinking each glass until the discomfort goes away.
- 5 hours before your scheduled procedure time, drink the last 32 ounces (8 oz. every 15-20 minutes) until remaining solution is gone.
- Diarrhea may continue for several hours after you finish drinking the solution.
Two-Day Procedure Preparation (Miralax)
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
You must be on a clear liquid diet starting after lunch, two days before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours before your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a canceled procedure.
Purchase (over the counter only – we have NOT sent as a prescription):
- Miralax 238 grams – 8.3 oz. (Over-the-counter only – we have NOT sent as a prescription)
- 32 oz. Gatorade – Lemon/Lime preferred. DO NOT BUY RED OR PURPLE.
- Patients with diabetes may substitute Pedialyte for Gatorade.
- 4 Dulcolax Laxative tablets (NOT suppositories!)
Eat a light breakfast and lunch before 1 pm.
Begin your clear liquid diet immediately after lunch (no more solid food until after colonoscopy).
5 PM take 4 Dulcolax tablets.
At 6 pm, mix 1/2 of the Miralax (119 grams- 4 ounces) with 32 oz of Gatorade and drink 8 oz. every 15 minutes until complete.
It is very important to drink plenty of clear liquids throughout the entire day.
Follow the attached standard split preparation instructions.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
The Plenvu carton contains 3 pouches and a disposable container for mixing. There is 1 pouch labeled Dose 1 and for Dose 2, there are 2 smaller pouches labeled “A & B”. You must complete the entire prep to ensure the most effective cleansing.
Between 6 – 7 PM the evening before, take Dose 1 (Large single pouch labeled Dose 1).
Use the mixing container to mix the contents of the Dose 1 with at least 16 ounces of water by shaking or using a spoon until it’s completely dissolved. This may take 2-3 minutes (if preferred, you may mix the solution ahead of time and refrigerate prior to drinking).
TAKE YOUR TIME – SLOWLY finish the dose within 30 minutes.
Drink 32 oz of the clear liquid of your choice. (Please avoid clear liquids with increased amounts of sodium, e.g., chicken/beef broth).
5 hours before your scheduled procedure time, take Dose 2.
Take Dose 2 (Smaller pouch A and pouch B stuck together). Use the mixing container to mix the contents of Dose 2 (pouch A and pouch B) with at least 16 oz of water by shaking or using a spoon until it’s completely dissolved. This may take 2-3 minutes.
TAKE YOUR TIME – SLOWLY finish the dose within 30 minutes or it may cause nausea and vomiting.
Drink 32 oz of the clear liquid of your choice. (Please avoid clear liquids with increased amounts of sodium, e.g., chicken/beef broth).
Diarrhea may continue for several hours after you finish drinking the solution.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
In the Evening: Between 6-7 PM the day before your procedure, take the first dose by completing steps 1-3.
- Drink one bottle of CLENPIQ.
- You must drink five (5) 8-oz containers of water every 20 or 30 minutes until complete.
- If you experience nausea, please slow the intake of water to one glass every hour until complete.
After your first dose, if severe bloating, swelling, or stomach pain occur, delay the second dose until the symptoms resolve.
Five (5) hours prior to your scheduled procedure time, take the second dose of your prep by completing steps 1-3.
- Drink the other bottle of CLENPIQ.
- You must drink four (4) more 8-oz containers of water over the next 1 hour.
- Nothing by mouth at all after you complete Step #2.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 3 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer.
SUTAB is a split-dose (2-day) regimen. A total of 24 tablets is required for complete preparation for colonoscopy. You will take the tablets in two doses of 12 tablets each. Clear liquids must be consumed with each dose of SUTAB, and additional clear liquids must be consumed after each dose.
DO NOT take any oral medication within 1 hour of starting your 1st dose of SUTAB.
Between 6-7 PM the day before your procedure, take the first dose by completing steps 1-3.
- Open one bottle of 12 tablets.
- Fill the provided container with 16 ounces of clear liquids (up to the fill line). Swallow 1 tablet every 3 minutes with a sip of clear liquids. You should finish the 12 tablets and the entire 16 ounces of water within 36 minutes.
- Drink the additional two 16 ounces of water:
- Approximately 1 hour after the last tablet is ingested, fill the provided container with 16 ounces of water (up to the fill line) and drink the entire amount over 30 minutes.
- Approximately 30 minutes after finishing the second container of water, fill the provided container with 16 ounces of water (up to the fill line) and drink the entire amount over 30 minutes.
DO NOT take any oral medication within 1 hour of starting your 2nd dose of SUTAB.
Five (6) hours prior to your scheduled procedure time, take the second dose of your prep by completing steps 1-3.
You must swallow all tablets and drink all the water at least 3 hours before your scheduled procedure time.
Two-Day Procedure Preparation Miralax (heart and kidney issues only)
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the bottle.
You must be on a clear liquid diet starting after lunch, two days prior to your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum, and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a cancelled procedure.
Purchase (over the counter only – we have NOT sent as a prescription):
- Miralax 238 grams – 8.3 oz. (Over the counter only – we have NOT sent as a prescription)
- 64 oz. Gatorade – Lemon/Lime preferred. DO NOT BUY RED OR PURPLE.
- Patients with diabetes may substitute Pedialyte for Gatorade.
- 4 Dulcolax Laxative tablets (NOT suppositories!)
Eat a light breakfast and lunch before 1 pm.
Begin your clear liquid diet immediately after lunch (no more solid food until after colonoscopy).
5 PM take 4 Dulcolax tablets.
At 6 pm, mix Miralax with Gatorade and drink 8 oz. every 15 minutes until complete.
CLEAR LIQUID DIET – It is very important to drink plenty of clear liquids throughout the entire day.
Follow the attached standard split preparation instructions.
Follow these instructions. Do NOT follow the instructions on the box.
The prescription for your prep has been sent to your pharmacy electronically. Please pick up within a week.
- You must be on a clear liquid diet 30 hours before your procedure (please review the clear liquid diet sheet).
- You must not have anything by mouth for 4 hours prior to your procedure, INCLUDING water, gum and hard candies.
NOTE: Failure to properly cleanse your colon may result in a canceled procedure.
The American College of Gastroenterologists recommends splitting the preparation for optimal visualization of the colon and detection of small polyps and cancer
In the Evening:
- Between 6-7 PM the day before your procedure, take the first dose by completing steps 1-4.
- Open one (1) flavor-enhancing packet and pour the contents into one (1) bottle
- Fill the provided bottle with lukewarm water up to the fill line. After capping the bottle, gently shake the bottle until all the powder has dissolved. For the best taste, refrigerate the solution for one (1) hour before drinking. Do not freeze. Use within twenty-four (24) hours
- Drink eight (8) ounces of solution every fifteen (15) minutes until the bottle is empty
- Drink an additional sixteen (16) ounces of water over the next one (1) hour
If nausea, bloating, or abdominal cramping occurs, pause or slow the rate of drinking the solution and additional water until symptoms diminish
- 5 hours before your scheduled procedure time, take the second dose of your prep by completing steps 1-4.
- Repeat steps one (1) through three (3) from Day one (1), Dose one (1)
- Drink an additional sixteen (16) ounces of water over the next one (1) hour
If nausea, bloating, or abdominal cramping occurs, pause or slow the rate of drinking the solution and additional water until symptoms diminish
An Important Exam Requires a Careful Preparation
The results obtained from the exam are dependent on your lower bowel (colon) being carefully cleansed and empty. An improperly prepared bowel may mean that the exam will have to be repeated at another time. Fecal matter (stool) left in the colon can hide important conditions that may be present. Therefore, it is very important that you follow preparation instructions as carefully as possible. No laxative preparation is fun. However, these instructions have been developed to make your preparation as simple, effective, and painless as possible.
A couple of hints:
You will receive a call from the facility with your arrival time.
Any procedures canceled within 24 hours will result in a fee of $100.
PREPARATION: Follow the preparation instructions given to you by your doctor’s office.
CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY if you are on or start any blood thinning medication before your procedure date, as it may result in the cancellation of your procedure.
- Coumadin (Warfarin)
- Plavix (Clopidogrel)
- Pletal (Cilostazol)
- Efficient (Prasugrel)
- Aggrenox (Aspirin / dipyridamole)
- Pradaxa (Dabigatran)
- Savaysa (Edoxaban)
- Xarelto (Rivaroxaban)
- Eliquis (Apixaban)
- Brilinta (Ticagrelor)
- All Iron supplements
- Phentermine (Adipex-P, ionamin, pro-fast)
- Ibuprofen
- Naproxen
- Celebrex
- Steglatro (Ertugliflozin)
- Invokana (Canagliflozin)
- Farxiga (Dapagliflozin)
- Xigduo (Dapagliflozin/Metformin)
- Jardiance (Empagliflozin)
- Oral Diabetic Medications
- Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine)
- If you take insulin, contact the prescribing physician for instructions.
- If you take oral DIABETIC medications, you should not take your pills the night before or in the morning prior to your procedure.
All Patients:
At least 7 days before your procedure:
- Read all prep instructions and purchase any necessary prep products from your pharmacy.
- Verify instructions for stopping your blood thinning medications with the office.
- Stop herbal supplements.
- Limit intake of seeds, nuts or quinoa (Please note: if you forget to limit these foods 1 week early, please call the office to check with your doctor before canceling or not showing up for the exam).
- Arrange for a ride home after your procedure.
30 Hours Before Your Procedure:
- You may take all of your normal prescription medications with the exception of diabetic medication or other medications as instructed. Please see previous guidelines.
- Follow your procedure preparation instructions.
- Marijuana Use: Recreational marijuana must be discontinued after midnight on the evening prior to your procedure. Medical usage must be discontinued 3 hours prior to the planned procedure start time.
Day of Procedure:
- YOU MUST NOT HAVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH FOR 4 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR PROCEDURE INCLUDING GUM, HARD CANDIES AND ORAL NICOTINE POUCHES. HOWEVER, if you take medication for your BLOOD PRESSURE or Heart (and you normally take them in the morning), please take them with a SIP of water at least 2 hours prior to your arrival time.
- If you are scheduled at one of the Endoscopy Centers, plan on a 1 ½ hour stay. If you are scheduled at the Hospital plan on a 2 ½ hour stay.
- It is critical that you arrive on time. Every effort will be made to keep your appointment at the scheduled time, but in medicine, unexpected delays and emergencies may occur. We give each patient the attention needed for his or her procedure.
- Bring your insurance cards and a photo ID.
- Bring your insurance co-pay/deductible. If your insurance has changed since your appointment was scheduled, please contact us immediately. Many insurance carriers (not Medicare) and managed care organizations require preauthorization or precertification. To obtain coverage for these procedures, we recommend you contact your insurance company. The phone number is usually on the back of your insurance card.
- Dress casually and comfortably as you will be required to change into an examination gown. Leave jewelry and other valuable items at home.
- ALL oral piercings must be removed, if applicable, prior to your procedure. If you are not willing to remove oral piercings, please note that your procedure will be canceled.
- DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF. Arrange for transportation home before you arrive for your appointment. Since you will receive sedation, you will not be permitted to drive home.
- Rideshares (cab, limo, bus, Uber, Lyft) can only be used if you have a responsible friend or family member with you
- Your examination will be canceled if you have not arranged transportation home.